Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

As 2014 comes to an end, I can't help but find myself looking forward to 2015.
This past year has surely had its poor points, like us deciding to close the bar and me, well about dying and stuff, and although I would like to think of the good that happened with my family, like Scarlett being born, Sarah being in school looking out for our future, and Ryan really learning how to ride bike, read, lose his first teeth and grow as a boy, and me - well with love, strength, support and prayers - living. It has been a difficult journey for Sarah and myself, but we have remained strong and look forward to continuing that into this next year and many more. Back in June we planned a Caribbean cruise for this winter, and that now comes this very next week. When we planned it I was in a wheelchair, grouchy and on a ton of medicine with not much of an idea of the future. Now, I'm not as grouchy, can get around on my own clumsy feet, and have kicked a bunch of medicine, with a less cloudy future - at least short term future :) and have hopefully a place to live where we can stay for awhile.
I have much to be thankful for.
Have a safe and wonderful New Years, and to everyone out there...See you next year!!!!


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